
Devil Dog Derringer
Age: Mid 40's
Weapons: Guns, helmet, perfect memory.
Bio: DDD is the leader of the RT7. Adopted by The Rook at an early age he was raised to be a crime fighter.  He spent his late teens and 20's in Russia living and training with a remote village of Cossacks. There he learned how to use guns with stunning results and is widely considered the best shot in the world with a side arm. His helmet has a few tricks including head lights, an air filtration system and voice amplification that can create "sonic barks".

Steve Cleaver
Age: 36
Weapons: Pneumatic Boot Knife, knives, can see 4 seconds into the future.
Bio: Steve was raised by a single mother who happened to be a blind psychic. A legitimate psychic. Gifted by his mother's genes, Steve has the ability to see 4 seconds into the future. This has served him well in his profession. Unfortunately he also gained his mother's curse, and is slowly loosing his sight. Steve is a brawler and fights damn filthy. He received most of his training from womens self defense classes and just plain getting his ass kicked a lot. He strives to be the best he can at what he does. He will use anything he can get his hands on for a weapon, but prefers to use knives and occasionally mace. His pneumatic boot knife holds a mace charge in the handle, and he uses it as a projectile weapon when he can.

Dover Demon
Age: Unknown
Weapons: Brute strength, gadgets, sandwiches
Bio: Little is known of this member of the Roof Top Seven. He is large and extremely strong with the ability to channel energy into inhuman feats of strength. Unfortunately he pays a huge price, going from massive fatigue to possibly needing to sleep for weeks, all depending on how much energy he channels. It is rumored Dover may not be human but perhaps an alien from space, a mutant or even a creature from the depths. Only DDD has ever seen him with out his mask or suit. Although, for such an imposing figure, he is generally very nice and quite generous. A fantastic friend to have on your side. Dover is not very talkative, keeping his speech very short and concise. He has been known to crack the random joke here and there, but it's very rare. He likes to keep to him self when not on missions, and no one really knows where he goes or what he does.
 He seems to have an unending array of home-made tech at his disposal. Be it electrical blasts, smoke bombs, electric whips, grenades, he is always changing his arsenal for each mission.

and coming soon, the rest of The Roof Top Seven!

The Rook
Jack Springheel